Module StageSensors
The stage's sensors, which provide information about all events that occurred this tick.
- laserHitShipEvents ()
Details of all lasers hitting ships.
Return value:
A table of all LaserHitShipEvent
s from this tick.
See also:
- shipDestroyedEvents ()
Details of all ships destroyed.
Return value:
A table of all ShipDestroyedEvent
s from this tick.
See also:
- shipFiredLaserEvents ()
Details of all lasers fired.
Return value:
A table of all ShipFiredLaserEvent
s from this tick.
See also:
- shipFiredTorpedoEvents ()
Details of all torpedos fired.
Return value:
A table of all ShipFiredTorpedoEvent
s from this tick.
See also:
- shipHitShipEvents ()
Details of all ship-ship collisions. Two versions of each event are reported, with "hitting" and "target" information reversed.
Return value:
A table of all ShipHitShipEvent
s tick.
See also:
- shipHitWallEvents ()
Details of all ship-wall collisions.
Return value:
A table of all ShipHitWallEvent
s from this tick.
See also:
- torpedoHitShipEvents ()
Details of all torpedos hitting ships.
Return value:
A table of all TorpedoHitShipEvent
s from this tick.
See also:
- LaserHitShipEvent
- Details of a laser hitting a ship.
time: The time of the laser-ship collision.
srcName: The name of the ship that fired the laser.
targetName: The name of the ship that was hit.
laserX: The x coordinate of the hitting laser.
laserY: The y coordinate of the hitting laser.
laserHeading: The angle at which the laser was traveling.
- ShipDestroyedEvent
- Details of a ship being destroyed.
time: The time that the ship was destroyed.
shipName: The name of the ship that was destroyed.
- ShipFiredLaserEvent
- Details of a ship firing a laser.
time: The time that the ship fired a laser.
shipName: The name of the ship that fired a laser.
shipX: The x coordinate of the ship when it fired a laser.
shipY: The y coordinate of the ship when it fired a laser.
laserHeading: The angle at which the laser was fired.
- ShipFiredTorpedoEvent
- Details of a ship firing a torpedo.
time: The time that the ship fired a torpedo.
shipName: The name of the ship that fired a torpedo.
shipX: The x coordinate of the ship when it fired a torpedo.
shipY: The y coordinate of the ship when it fired a torpedo.
torpedoHeading: The angle at which the torpedo was fired.
torpedoDistance: The distance the torpedo was fired.
- ShipHitShipEvent
- Details of a ship-ship collision.
time: The time of the ship-ship collision.
targetName: The name of the ship that was hit.
targetX: The x coordinate of the ship that was hit.
targetY: The y coordinate of the ship that was hit.
hittingName: The name of the hitting ship.
hittingX: The x coordinate of the hitting ship.
hittingY: The y coordinate of the hitting ship.
inAngle: The angle from the hitting ship to the target ship.
inForce: The magnitude of force that the hitting ship applied to the target ship, altering its momentum.
outAngle: The angle from the target ship to the hitting ship.
outForce: The magnitude of force that the target ship applied to the hitting ship, altering its momentum.
- ShipHitWallEvent
- Details of a ship hitting the wall.
time: The time of the ship-wall collision.
shipName: The name of the ship that hit the wall.
shipX: The x coordinate of the ship where it hit the wall.
shipY: The y coordinate of the ship where it hit the wall.
bounceAngle: The angle at which the collision exerted force against the ship.
bounceForce: The mangnitude of force that the wall collision applied to the target ship, altering its momentum.
- TorpedoHitShipEvent
- Details of a torpedo hitting a ship.
time: The time of the torpedo-ship collision.
srcName: The name of the ship that fired the torpedo.
targetName: The name of the ship that was hit.
hitAngle: The angle from the blast center to the target ship.
hitForce: The magnitude of force that the torpedo blast applied to the target ship, altering its momentum.
hitDamage: The damage done by the torpedo blast to the target ship, decreasing its energy.