Module StageControl

The API to be implemented by a stage control program. Defines the settings and behavior of a stage.


configure (stageBuilder) Configures the stage settings.
init (ships, world, admin, gfx) Initializes the stage.
run (stageSensors) Executes stage code each tick.


configure (stageBuilder)

Configures the stage settings. Passes a builder object used to define static configuration of the stage, such as dimensions, walls, zones, and starting points.


  • stageBuilder: The builder used to configure the stage. Can only be used during execution of this function.

See also:

init (ships, world, admin, gfx)

Initializes the stage. Passes references to all ships, the world, and an administrator object used to modify the state of the stage and ships.


  • ships: A table of all ships loaded for this game.
  • world: A userdata object used to query information about the game world, such as stage size, locations of walls and zones, and current time.
  • admin: A userdata object used to perform administrative operations only available to the stage program, such as modifying a ship's speed, location, or energy, destroying or reviving ships, ending a round or the game, and deciding on a winner.
  • gfx: A userdata object used to draw debug graphics on the screen. Graphics are hidden unless the user checks the checkbox in the stage's output console.

See also:

run (stageSensors)

Executes stage code each tick. Allows the stage to monitor the game, modify the stage and ships, and decide when the game ends and who wins.


  • stageSensors: A userdata object that can be queried for information on all events that took place this tick.

See also: